Employer Services

Helping employers stay current about best practices to improve workplace functionality and employee wellness.

Great Lakes Employer Services supports employers and their employees by offering resources, consultation, education, training and valuable support to improve workplace wellness, functionality and employee clinical competence.



An Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is an easy way to support your employees to resolve work, health, and life issues, and provides many benefits to the employer as well, including:

  • 24/7 available support

  • Increased productivity at work

  • Reduced disability claims

Workplace Violence

Workplace Violence & Harassment

Workplace violence is a growing issue among employers. We are trained investigators proficient in building relationships, completing interviews and assessments. We can assist employers in:

  • Harassment and bullying

  • Sexual Harassment & Violence

  • Workplace allegations


Training, Education & Workshops

Supporting employers and unions with in-depth/customized training programs, practical resources, and valuable support to improve workplace wellness and employee clinical competence including:

  • Mental health education

  • Conflict resolution

  • Motivational interviewing